What we stand for: Advocacy WA believes in justice and human rights for people with disabilities. We believe in the importance of choice, equality of opportunity, and inclusion in society. We believe that each person ought to be respected and heard and able to participate in their community. We believe in fairness and that each person should be empowered to exercise independence over the choices and direction of their life.
Our Mission: Advocacy WA assists and supports people with disabilities to achieve social and individual change, empowerment, justice and human rights.
Advocacy WA advocates for social change and service improvement focusing on, but not limited to, the areas of accommodation, employment and financial security, education and training, transport, and access to specialist health services, so that people with disabilities will be recognised and treated as valued citizens within their community.
Advocacy WA assists and supports people with disabilities to achieve social and individual change, empowerment, justice and human rights.
We believe that advocacy means “standing by” or “speaking out” for someone’s rights when they are treated unfairly and that people with disabilities have the same rights and responsibilities as people who do not. Advocacy WA advocates with and for people with a disability to safeguard (and protect) their capacity to speak out and ensure that those rights are negotiated in practice.
Advocacy WA’s model of Individual Advocacy works to empower and support people with disabilities to achieve positive outcomes and make informed decisions when faced with difficult situations. We do this by listening and consulting; sharing information; assisting access to agencies and services; encouraging self-advocacy through empowerment and generally working with the client. All this is done whilst maintaining client confidentiality. Each client is assigned an Individual Advocate (IA) who assists and supports the client until their issue has been resolved.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with many years’ experience working in disability sector and we employ highly trained professionals and volunteers to manage the agency and its operations. Many of these dedicated people are also people with disabilities.
AWA operates throughout the South West Region, including Harvey, Collie, Dardanup, Capel, Donnybrook, Balingup, Boyup Brook, Greenbushes, Bridgetown, Busselton, Margaret River, Nannup, Manjimup and has offices in Bunbury and Busselton.
The main office in Bunbury is open to the public Monday to Friday, with regular visits to Outreach offices in Collie, Manjimup, Margaret River and Busselton.
Advocacy WA is currently part-funded through the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) National Disability Advocacy Programme and the Department of Communities (WA). The agency has the ability to seek funding (grants, sponsorships and donations) from other public and philanthropic sources for discreet projects.
Advocacy WA works with other agencies such as People with Disabilities WA (PWdWA), Legal Aid, Sussex Street Legal Services, South West Legal Services, and Carers WA. We also use rooms at Forrest Personnel in Busselton and Margaret River as these rooms are very accessible for our clients.
Advocacy WA maintains a presence and provides opinion on a number of Committees that focus on issues relating to systemic advocacy, including the WA Disability Coalition, the Council of Regional Disability Organisations and through the Department of Communities, the WA Network of Disability Advocacy.
Advocacy WA invites new members. We are seeking to attract people with skills, energy and commitment to our core values. Fill in the form to become a member.