Advocacy WA is your local Accessibility Consultant employing individuals with lived experience to provide authentic advice.

We offer accessibility consultations and assessments to local governments, businesses, organisations and clubs.

1.3 billion people worldwide have a disability. Improving accessibility for people living with disability is vital for improving community outcomes and inclusivity while offering economic benefits to business (such as reaching a broader and more diverse audience, building brand reputation and meeting compliance obligations).

Business and community accessibility is a basic requirement and the right thing to do!

Accessibility benefits all members of society and improves quality of life and social integration. It leads to better health resulting in cost saving across society.

Advocacy WA’s accessibility assessments and training sessions:

  • provide advice on the accessibility of your premises and services for people living with disability;
  • advise on the accessibility of your website and digital resources;
  • advise whether you are meeting accessibility regulatory requirements;
  • ensure that your staff are disability-confident.

Our accessibility support package includes:

1. Staff Training

An interactive 3-hour session, co-delivered by people with disability, where staff learn to:

  • Recognise different disabilities and understand accessibility needs
  • Communicate more effectively with staff and other stakeholders with disability
  • Make facilities, policies, communications (printed and digital) more accessible
  • Recruit, train and support people with disability

2. Site Visit

A comprehensive 3-hour check of your premises where we:

  • Interview staff to help us understand your business and workplace culture
  • Inspect your premises to determine current accessibility features

3. Accessibility Report

  • A comprehensive report based on our site visit, suggesting ways to improve accessibility
  • An accessibility review of your website and other marketing collateral

The cost will vary depending on the size of your organisation and the complexity of the assessment. You may also choose to focus only on training, or only on a site assessment. If you contact us, we can provide an estimation.

Contact Advocacy WA on (08) 97 216 444 or Ask to speak to Sara.