
Exciting New Project with LotteryWest

Advocacy WA, with funding from LotteryWest, is working with Volunteer South West on a pioneering approach to leadership within the governance of organisations to ensure meaningful representation and active involvement of individuals living with disabilities. We want to see more people living with disability on Boards of Management/Governance.  

Advocacy WA and Volunteers South West will promote, train and place individuals living with disabilities onto local Boards. The project will help Boards to understand and appreciate the value that people living with disability can bring to governance and delivery of service models. Parallel to this is the training, support and mentoring of individuals living with disability who are interested in taking a position on a Board, particularly those Boards that make decisions impacting the lives of people with disability.  

People living with disability are substantially underrepresented within the community on Boards of Management, i.e., the working groups and committees that make decisions regarding policies, strategic direction, and product/services target market demographics, for their organisations. The representation of people with disability on local Boards is pivotal in amplifying their voices and facilitating active engagement in decision-making processes. This project will bring a unique perspective to the accountabilities of service delivery and service design, influencing policy directions, and promoting best practices for people living with disability.

Any people living with disability or Boards of Management/Governance that would like to participate in this project should contact Advocacy WA on 9721 6444 or admin@advocacywa.org.au.  

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